SW Beginner : Getting Started

Getting Started

SolidWorks Graphic User Interface is Simple and user friendly. With its heads-up user interaction, it gives a complete set of visual capabilities and mouse-driven control capabilities that reduces design steps, minimizes the nedd for dialog boxes and lessons the visual clutter. All design properties are within the easy reach of the user.

In this chapter you will learn:
1. Starting SolidWorks in Windows.
2. Graphic User Interface of SolidWorks.
3. Mouse Buttons.
4. Keyboard Shortcuts.
5. Setting up the document options.
6. Customizing the document Interface.
7. Document Basics.
8. Saving Documents.
9. Auto Recover
10. Converting files to SolidWorks 2014
11. Exiting the SolidWorks

Starting SolidWorks in Windows

To run the SolidWorks software in the Windows environment, double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop. The alternate way is to choose Start – All Programs – SolidWorks 2014 – SolidWorks 2014 x64 Edition from the Start Menu. The main window opens on your desktop. The part mode of the main window is shown in figure

Graphic User Interface of SolidWorks

The SolidWorks user interface is a native Windows interface and therefore it behaves in the same manner as other Windows applications. SolidWorks supports multiple document interface are as follows:

An updated color scheme for certain icon makes the SolidWorks application more accessible to people with color blindness. Also, provides a more readable font.
Icons in the active Property Manager use blue to indicate what you must select on the screen; faces, edges and so on. Adding blue to the icons provide a sharp contrast in colors so that many SolidWorks users with color blindness can distinguish one icon from another.
Along with style updates to the main elements of the SolidWorks user interface, there is a better readable font. Turn on ClearType, software technology developed by Microsoft, to make the text on your screen easier to read.
Windows and Displays
Each document in the SolidWorks application displays in a separate window. You can arrange document windows to suit your workflow needs. If you have multiple displays, you can set the SolidWorks application windows to span two displays.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar contains a set of the most frequently used tool buttons from the Standard toolbar, the SolidWorks menus, the SolidWorks Search, and a flyout menu of Help options.
The menus are visible when you move the mouse over or click the SolidWorks logo. You can pin the menus to keep the visible by default. The toolbar moves to the right when the menus are pinned.
By clicking the down arrow next to a tool button, you can expand it to display a flyout menu with additional functions. This allows you to access most of the File menu commands from the toolbar. For example, the saveflyout menu includes Save, Save As and Save All.


Toolbars are available for most SolidWorks tools, and also for add-in products. Named toolbars assist you in performing specific design tasks such as applying surfaces or drawing curves.
Because the CommandManager contains the most frequently used tools for the currently selected documents. Toolbars are turned off by default.
To toggle toolbar visibility, do one of the following:

  • Right-click in the window border and select or clear a toolbar name.
  • Click Tools – Customize. On the Toolbars tab select the toolbars to display.
  • To toggle visibility of all active toolbars and the CommandManager : Press F10 Key or view Toolbar.

Command Manager

The Command Manager is a context-sensitive toolbar that dynamically updates based on the toolbar you want to access. By default, it has toolbars embedded in it based on the document type.
When you click a tab blow the CommandManager, it updates to show that toolbar. For example, if you click the Feature tab, the Features toolbar appears.
Use the CommandManager to access toolbar buttons in a central location and to save space for the graphical area. Toggle the descriptions and size of the buttons, right-click in the CommandManager and select or clear Use Large Buttons with Text. This option is also available in Tools – Customize on the Toolbars tab.
Use Ctrl+ Page Up and Ctrl+ Page Down to scroll through the CommandManager tabs

Feature Manager

The Feature Manager Design tree on the left side of the SolidWorks window provides an outline view of the active part, assembly or drawing. This make it easy to see how the model or assembly was constructed or to examine the various sheets and views in a drawing.
The Feature Manager Design tree is a unique part of the SolidWorks software that visually displays all the parts in a part or an assembly. As features are created, they are added to the Feature Manager Design tree. The Feature Manager Design tree represents also allows to access the editing of the features that it contains.
To toggle visibility of the Feature Manager Design tree area, press F9 or click View – Feature Manager Tree Area, which is especially useful when in full screen mode.
Feature Manager Design Tree allows user to perform tasks such as:

  • Select items in the model by name.
  • Filter the Feature Manager Design tree.
  • Identify and change the order in which features are created. You can drag items in the Feature Manager Design tree list to reorder them. This changes the order in which features are regenerated when the model is rebuilt.
  • Display the dimensions of a feature by double-clicking the features name.
  • Rename items by slowly clicking two items on a name to select it and then entering a new name.
  • Suppress and Unsuppress part feature and assembly components.
  • View parent/child relations by right-clicking a feature and selecting Parent/child.

Property Manager

The Property Manager is a means to set properties and other options for many SolidWorks commands. The Property Manager appears on the property Manger tab in the panel to the graphical area. It opens when you select entities or commands defined in the Property Manager.
The Property Manager controls the properties of the SolidWorks component. The Property Manager menu occupies the same screen position as the Feature Manager Design Tree and replace it when they are in use.  He TOP row buttons contains the standard O.K., Cancel and Help buttons according to the command selection. Below the top row buttons are one or more Group Boxes that contain related options. They can be opened or closed and in many cases can be made active or inactive. To float the Property Manager, drag its title bar from the docked position. Once it is floating, you can drag the Property Manager anywhere in or outside the SolidWorks window.

Flyout Feature Manager Design Tree

The flyout Feature Manager design tree allows you to view both the Feature manager design tree and the Property Manager at the same time.
Sometimes it is easier to select items in the flyout Feature Manager Design tree than in the graphic. In addition, you can hide, change the transparency of, go to or zoom the selected items. You cannot suppress items or roll back the build.
The flyout Feature Manager Design tree automatically appears when a Property Manager is active. To expand it to one of the following:

  • Click ***, next to the document name in the flyout Feature Manager Design tree.
  • Click the name of the top-level items in the flyout Feature Manager Design tree.
  • Press C
If use transparent flyout Feature Manager in parts/ assemblies is selected in Tools – Options – System Options – Feature Manager, the flyout Feature Manager design tree is transparent so you can see the model underneath it.

Graphical Area

The Graphics area is the drawing area where your models are drawn, displayed and modified. The Graphics Area contains the Triad and Origin for drawing reference.
Reference Triad
The triad facilitates manipulating various objects such as 3D sketch entities, parts, certain features and components in assemblies.
The rings and wings are displayed when rotation and dragging along the wings plane are possible.
Use commands to display information about the triad or to change the position and orientation of the triad. Available commands depend on the triad’s context.
To access the triad, perform one of the following:

  • In assemblies, right click a movable component and click move with Triad
  •  In assembly exploded views, select a component.
  • In parts, click Move/Copy Bodies ( Feature Toolbar) or Insert – Features – Move/Copy, and Translate Rotate. In parts, click Flex or Deform to use the Triad to shape features.
  • In 3d Sketches, right-click an entity and click show Sketcher Triad

Head-up View Toolbar

A transparent toolbar in each viewport provides all the common tools necessary for manipulating the view such as viewports, model display, section view etc.

Callouts and Handles

Callouts are text-filled boxes that appear in the graphics area when you use certain tools. Handles allow you to dynamically click, move and set certain parameters without leaving the graphics area.

Application Features

You have several streamlined ways to accept features you create, including right click actions, using the Confirmation Corner, and using Standard Property Manager Commands. After Creating a previewofa feature, you can:

  • Right –click and select O.K./ Cancel from the shortcut menu.
  • Right-click menu when the pointer changes to accept the preview or click to return to the preview without accepting the values.
Confirmation Corner
Another way to accept features is to use the Confirmation Corner. You can:
Click the O.K./Cancel icons that appear in the confirmation corner of the solidworks graphics area. Click the exit Sketch icon in the confirmation corner to finish the sketch or click the cancel sketch icon to discard changes to the sketch.

Task Pane

The task pane provides access to SolidWorks resources, libraries of reusable design elements, views to drag onto drawing sheets and other useful items and information.
The task Pane appears when you open the SolidWorks software. It contains the following tabs:

  • SolidWorks Resources
  • Design Library
  • File Explorer
  • Search
  • View Palette
  • Document Recovery
  • Appearances, Scenes and Decals
  • Custom Properties
  • SolidWorks Forum

Status Bar

The Status bar at the bottom of the SolidWorks window provides information related to the function that you are performing.

Mouse Buttons

The left, right and middle mouse buttons have distinct meaning in SolidWorks.
Left mouse button is used for select such as geometry, menus buttons and the objects in the Feature Manager Design tree.
Right mouse button activates a context sensitive shortcut menu. The content of the menu differ depending what object the cursor is over. These menus also represent shortcuts to frequently used commands.
Middle mouse button dynamically rotates pans or zoom a part or an assembly. It also pans a drawing.

Mouse Gesture

You can use a mouse gesture as a shortcut to execute a command or macro quickly, similar to a keyboard shortcut. You can use mouse gestures by right dragging in the graphics area to invoke a preassigned tool or macro from sketch, part, assembly or drawing. You can enable or disable mouse gestures and set the number ofmouse gesture that appear in the mouse gesture guide.
By default, mouse gestures are enabled and display four gestures in the mouse gestures guide.
To enable or disable mouse gestures, with a document opens, click Tools – Customize. On the Mouse Gestures select or clear Enable mouse gestures.
To set the number of mouse gestures in the mouse gestures guide, with a document opens, click Tools – Customize. On the mouse gestures tab, select 4 gestures or 8 gestures
To use a mouse gesure:
In the graphical area, right-drag in the gesture direction that corresponds to the tool or macro.
The mouse gesture guide appears, highlighting the icon for the tool or macro mapped to the direction of the gesture. For example with a drawing opens, right-drag to the upper right, dragging towards the highlighted Note tool. To use mouse gestures with assemblies, right drag I the graphics area away from components to avoid component rotation or press Alt + right-drag.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcuts in SolidWorks are either accelearator keys or keyboard shortcuts.
Accelerator Keys
Accelerator keys are available for menu items and in dialog boxes and are indicated by underline letters. They cannot be customized.
To display the underline letters from menus or on a dialog box:
Press Alt key.
To access menu :
Press Alt plus the underline letter.
E.g. Alt + F for the File menu.
Some commonly used shortcuts are:

The List Keyboard Shortcuts are:


  • hh

Setting up the Document Options

When you install SolidWorks on your computer, you will be prompted to specify the dimensioning standards and units for measuring linear distances, the settings specified at that time are default settings and whenever you start a SolidWorks document, it will use these settings. However, if you want to modify these settings for a particular document, you can change them in the Document Properties dialog box. To invoke this dialog box, choose Tools - Options. The System options dialog box will be displayed. Set the Options for the current document using this dialog box. The options are dealt in details in the later chapters.

Customizing the Document Interface

You can customize the SolidWorks document interface using the Customize dialog box. In this dialog box, you can control the display/hide of the required toolbars and control/create the keyboard shortcuts. You can also the workflow customization and customize the display of the menu bars.
Right-Click on the toolbar area and choose Customize from the list. The Customize dialog box appears. Set to options as required for the current document.

Document Basics

You can Open, Close, Save, Share and print SolidWorks documents and send SolidWorks documents to another system by email
Basic operations for SolidWorks document include:
  • Open,close and save the documents.
  • Controlling access to shared documents in a multi-user environment.
  • Printing documents.
  • Sending documents by email

Creating a New SolidWorks Document

New documents are templates as the basis for their format and properties. Templates include user-defined document properties, such as units of measure or other detailing standards. Templates allow you to maintain different styles of documents. A document templates can be part, drawing or assembly that you saved as a template.
To create a new SolidWorks document :
  • Click File - New from menu bar or New icon from Standard Toolbar
  • Select a type of document
  • Click O.K.

Document Templates

Templates are part, drawing and assembly documents that include user-defined parameters and are the new documents.
You can maintain many different document template. For example, you can create:
  • A document template using millimeters and another template using inches.
  • A document template using ANSI and another template using ISO dimensioning standards.
  • A template for detached drawings.
You can Organize and access your document templates by placing them on different tabs in the advanced display of the New SolidWorks document dialog box. Templates can include settings for such Document Properties as :
  • Grid Spacing
  • Extension line and break line gap
  • Balloon bent leader length
  • Text scale and text display size
  • Material density

To Create a Template

1. Click New (Standard Toolbar) or File - New
2. Double-click the type of template that you want to create : Part, Assembly and Drawing.
3. Click Options (Standard toolbar) or Tools-Options.
4. On the Document Properties tab, Select Options to customize your new document template, then click O.K.
5. Click File - Save As
6. Select template type for Save as:
  • Part Template (*.prtdot)
  • Assembly Template (*.asmdot)
  • Drawing Template (*.drwdot)
7. Type a name for File name.
8. Browse to a folder, then click Save.

Opening Existing Part, Assembly or Drawing Documents

SW Tutorial : Introduction

SW Tutorial : Introduction


Solidworks is 3D mechanical CAD software that runs on Microsoft Windows which was developed by Solidworks Corporation headquarter in USA, a subsidiary of Dassault systems. Solidworks provide engineers, designers and other creative professionals with the tools they need to design the world’s great product.
In this page you can read only SolidWorks Solutions. For reading other sub chapters just click above words that you want read.

SolidWorks Solutions

SolidWorks solutions cover all aspects of your product development process with a seamless, integrated workflow – Design, verification, sustainable design, communication and data management. It offers solution to all the engineers and designers by the following packages.


SolidWorks 3D CAD software delivers powerful design functionality with the intuitive SolidWorks user interference to speed your design process and make you instantly productive. SolidWorks Premium is a comprehensive 3D design solution that adds powerful simulation and design validation to the capabilities of SolidWorks Professional, as well as ECAD/ MCAD collaboration, reverse engineering and advanced wire and pipe routing functionality.

SolidWorks Simulation Packages

Efficiently Evaluate performance, improve quality and boost product innovation with the powerful and extensive suite of SolidWorks simulation packages. You can set up virtual real-world environment to test your product designs before manufacture. Test against a broad range of parameters during the design process, such as durability, static and dynamic response, assembly motion, heat transfer, fluid dynamics and plastic injection molding.

Product Data Management Packages

SolidWorks Product Data Management (PDM) solutions help to get your design data under control and substantially improve the way your terms manage and collaborate on product development.
With SolidWorks enterprise PDM enable your terms to:

  • Eliminate concerns about version control and data loss.
  • Securely store and index design data for fast retrieval.
  • Share and collaborate on designs with people inside and outside the organization in multiple locations.
  • Create an electronic workflow to formalise, manage and optimize development, document approval and engineering chance processes.
Technical Communication Packages
SolidWorks MBD helps define, organize and publish 3D Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) including 3D model data in industry-standard file formats. It guides the manufacturing process directly in 3D, which helps to streamline production, cut cycle time, reduce errors and support industry standards.
SolidWorks Inspection software automates the creation of ballooned inspection drawing and inspection sheets for First Article Inspection (FAI) and in process inspections. Save time and virtually eliminate errors by speeding up this repetitive manual process.
SolidWorks Composer software streamlines the creation of 2D and 3D graphical contents for product communication and technical illustrations.

 SolidWorks Electrical Packages

SolidWorks Electrical packages provide a range of electrical system design functionality to meet the needs of design professionals. All project design data is synchronized in real time, bidirectionally between schematics and the 3D model within a collaborate environment.
Circuit Works – Share data between Electrical CAD (ECAD) and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) designers using the Circuit Works tool in SolidWorks 3D CAD Circuit Works enables user to share, compare, update and track electrical design data so that the users can more quickly resolve electrical-mechanical integrations problems.

Partner Products

SolidWorks Partner Products help you to bring innovative, quality products to market more efficiently and cost effectively. Working closely with more than 300 TOP solution partner program gives you direct access to the products and services that enable you to maximize productivity, design innovative products, achieve your product development goals. These Partner Products offer a range of tools and applications that will help you extend the power and utility of your SolidWorks solution.
Example for featured Partner Product
Product Name: Visual MILL for SolidWorks,
Category: Manufacturing

3D Experience Solutions

For design professionals and teams who want to create and collaborate without constraints, SolidWorks 3D Experience software, powered by Dassault Systems 3D Experience Platform, provide a conceptual, Instinctive, Social and Connected development experience that gives you the freedom to design the way you want.

Free CAD Tools

The free 2D CAD tools make drafting faster and more efficient as well as give you a better way of communicating with customers and suppliers.
Draft Sight – Draft sight a professional grade, free 2D CAD product that allows professional CAD users, students and educators to create, edit and view dwg files.
SolidWorks Explorer – A CAD file manager that provides flexible, searchable file management for SolidWorks file.
My SolidWorks – Provide the best answers to your questions about SolidWorks in one location. Stay current, sharpen your skills and share your expertise all from the convenience of your mobile device and desktop.

Solidworks tutorial 01 : how to use line command

Solidworks tutorial 01 : how to use line command

1. Click file > Click new> click Part> O.K.
2. Now click on Sketch> in sketch menu you can see sketch at uppper right corner> click on sketch> Now select FRONT plane from tree diagram.
3. Now select the line command.
4. For starting the line command you have to click anywhere in GUI (Graphical User Interface)
You will see the line is drawing. Now for ending the line commnd just click where you want. Line is created.
You can see your line is BLUE. Which means you can increase it's length, can change it's angle. It's mean Under Define (You can  see at Right lower corner).

5. Give Dimensions
Now for giving the dimensions click on smart dimension (left side to line command)> Click on the line> now give the dimension 100mm.

6. Create Incline Line

For creating the incline line we are giving angle with respect to x-direction
Click on Smart Dimension> Click on line> Now click on x-direction> Select O.K or Press ESC key.

How to create Turbo Fins

How to create Turbo Fins

1. Sketch 76.2 mm circle and extrude to 2.032 mm in front plane.

2. Sketch 15.24 mm circle on top extruded face and extrude to 38.1 mm.

3. Sketch fin profile at extruded face as shown and extruded to 15.24 mm.

4. Add Plne1

with 203.2 mm offset from Front Plane and Plane2 with 21.59 mm from plane1.

5. Insert Sketch on Plane1, Select all edges to extruded fin and convert it to entities.

6. Insert another sketch on Plane2, as shown.

7. Sketch two curve lines using 3D Sketch tool, as shown in figure.

8. Click Lofted Boss/Base,

Select profile Sketch5 and sketch6

and for guide curves select 3D sketch1 and 3D sketch2


View temporary axis Tools>Temporary axes. Select center axis, 360 degree, #8 numbers of pattern, equal spacing, O.K.

How to create Aeroplane wings

How to create Aeroplane wings

Hii Friends, today we will create the aeroplane wings. follow the all steps which we provided to you. For more understanding Do Not skip content. Now let's start.

1. Open solidworks> Click New> Click Pat> Click O.K.

2. Click on RIGHT plane and click Sketch.

3. Right Click on RIGHT plane select Normal to. Click Line> Sketch horizontal line> click smart dimension and dimension the line as 6 inch

4. Now we will create the TOP curve of aerofoil. Click spline and sketch TOP curve as sketch below. for end the spline command press ESC key.
Exit the sketch

5. For another aerofoil profile at wing tip, you need to create another plane.click on RIGHT  plane.
Click on Reference Geometry>Plane
set distance between plane as 10 inch
and click

6.Click on Plane1 and click Sketch.

7. Click Line.

Sketch horizontal lineon same level as first sketch a bit off set from origin, click smart dimension

and dimension sketch as sketch below.

8. To create Top curve of aerofoil, click spline

and sketch top curve as sketched below, to end spline press ESC key.

Exit the sketch.

9. Click View Orientation>Isometric

10. Click Features>Lofted Boss/ Base

Click Sketch1 and then Sketch2.


11. To hide plane1 Click Plane1 and Click hide.

12. You are done.

How to create Spring

How to create Spring

1. Click File> New> Click Part> O.K.

2. Click Tools> Option> Select document properties tab. Select Units> under Unit System select IPS (Inch, Pound, Seconds)> O.K.

3. Select TOP plane, from lower left menu select Normal to.

4. Click Sketch in command Manager, Click circle. As you can see on upper right corner sketch icon appear indicate that you are on sketch mode.

5. Pick origin point as string point, drag to right hand side

No need to be exact the size will define in later step. Press keyboard key ESC to end circle sketch.

NOTE: IN the sketching you see two lines, 1. Black Line 2. Blue Line.
1. Black Line: It means your sketch is fully defined/constrained
2. Blue Line: It means your sketch under define or not not fully constrained. It means your sketch dimension can be changed by dragging your sketch.

7. Change display to Isometric View.

8. Insert coil> Click Insert> Cirve> Helix/Spiral

9. Press F to zoom fit, set parameters constant pitch, pitch 0.1 inch in revolution 4.
Start angle 0 degree and
select clockwise > O,K.

10. Click on right plane> click Normal To.

11. Click Sketch> Click Circle. Sketch circle at start point, then click smart dimension set circle diameter to 0.05 inch.

12. Click exit sketch. click features and activate features menu. Click swept boss/base and set profile to sketch2 by click on circle sketch and set path by click helix path and O.K.

13. Change display to Isometric View.

14. Press F to zoom fit.

How to create 17 Inch car wheel

How to create 17 Inch car wheel

1. Create a sketch as shown on Front Plane.

2. Revolve

Sketch, 360 degree on top sketched line


3. Create a circle sketch, on right plane 4.8 inch

Extrude to 2 inch


4. Insert sketch on edge wheel face, sketch for arm hole

Extruded cut.

Through all> O.K.

5. Add fillet diameter 1 inch inner

add fillet 0.2 inch


6. Click circular pattern

Click view>Temporary axes, Select center axis as rotation axis. 360 degree and #5 equal spacing

Select Cut Extrude1, Fillet1 and Fillet2 as features to pattern. O.K.

7. Select hub face, Click hole wizard

Select ANSI inch,>Hex Bolt> size 1/2> through all. Position point as diameter 4 inch and 36  degree


8. Click Circular Pattern

Select center temporary axis, 360 degree and #5 equal spacing. Select CBORE for 1/2 Hex Bolt as features to Pattern. O.K.

9. Add Chamfer 0.5 inch to hub side

10. Click on hub face, Insert sketch, sketch circle diameter 2.75 inch. Extruded cut

to 0.5 Inch deep

11. Add Chamfer 0.5 inch to inner cut

And add chamfer 0.25 inch to wheel edge

O.K. done