How to create Aeroplane wings

Hii Friends, today we will create the aeroplane wings. follow the all steps which we provided to you. For more understanding Do Not skip content. Now let's start.

1. Open solidworks> Click New> Click Pat> Click O.K.

2. Click on RIGHT plane and click Sketch.

3. Right Click on RIGHT plane select Normal to. Click Line> Sketch horizontal line> click smart dimension and dimension the line as 6 inch

4. Now we will create the TOP curve of aerofoil. Click spline and sketch TOP curve as sketch below. for end the spline command press ESC key.
Exit the sketch

5. For another aerofoil profile at wing tip, you need to create another on RIGHT  plane.
Click on Reference Geometry>Plane
set distance between plane as 10 inch
and click

6.Click on Plane1 and click Sketch.

7. Click Line.

Sketch horizontal lineon same level as first sketch a bit off set from origin, click smart dimension

and dimension sketch as sketch below.

8. To create Top curve of aerofoil, click spline

and sketch top curve as sketched below, to end spline press ESC key.

Exit the sketch.

9. Click View Orientation>Isometric

10. Click Features>Lofted Boss/ Base

Click Sketch1 and then Sketch2.


11. To hide plane1 Click Plane1 and Click hide.

12. You are done.