How to create a simple plate

1. Click file> New> Click Part> O.K.

2. Click tools> options> Select document properties tab. select units, under unit system select IPS (Inch, Pound, Second) > O.K.

3. Select Top Plane, from lower left menu select Normal To

4.Click sketch in Command Manager, Click Rectangle. As you can see on upper right corner sketch icon appear indicate that you are on sketch mode.

5. Pick origin point as starting point, drag to right hand side.
NO NEED to be exact the size will be define in later step. Press keyboard ESC (Located on keyboard upper left corner key) to end rectangle sketch.

6. Define sketch with dimension. Click smart dimension and start dimensioning pick vertical line and set to 2 inch, pick horizontal line and set to 2 inch. Press keyboard ESC to end smart dimension.

7. Build feature from sketch, click features and activate features menu. click extruded Boss/Base and set D1 to 0.5 inch
click Normal To.

8. Click front TOP face, click Normal to. Activate sketch menu by click sketch and select circle. create 4 circle at four edges.

9. Define new circle sketch, click smart dimension, set dimension circle to 0.2 inch. Select distance for edge set to 0.3 inch

10. click circle and sketch one circle at center.

11. Define New circle sketch, click smart dimension, set diameter circle to 1 inch. select distnce for edge set to 1 inch

12. For cut click feature, click extruded cut, under direction 1 through all and click
